Proposal against Highrise Tower in Liverpool Street
HNH is against this proposed plan, for very good reasons. Click 'Here' for details and to make a submission.
Highrise Votes
Some elected members voted for highrise towers, against the planning officers' recommendations', for example the Welcome Stranger highrise tower proposal. Click 'Here' for details.
Skyscraper Definition:
"A skyscraper is a machine that is designed to turn land into money." [from 'The 99% Invisible City' by Roman Mars & Kurt Kohlstedt, 2020, p191]
Central Hobart Precinct Plan:
Thanks to the many hundreds who made submissions. Click 'Here' for Mercury 'Opinion Piece' on 1st Jan. 2022
Ald Marti Zucco:
An absolute appalling waste of ratepayer funds. Click 'Here' for details.
Major Projects:
Sadly, the Major Projects Bill has been passed by both houses of parliament. We note that the government has, on a number of occasions, said that this legislation will not be used for highrise towers. However, the legislation allows highrise towers. Click 'Here' for a list of problems with this legislation.
ABC's '7:30 Report'
3-part series on the Property Industry - it's worth watching!
Hobart Not Highrise Inc.
HNH was set up to prevent a rash of developments that ignore building height rules and threaten the human scale, heritage values, and skyline of our beautiful city. We do this by providing residents with accurate up-to-date information and making it easy for them to have their voice heard.