174-192 Liverpool Street, Hobart CBD - HobartNotHighrise.com.au
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Nearly twice as high as nearby buildings. Look at the church steeple on the left.
Representation against proposed development at 174-192 Liverpool Street
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I oppose the proposed development at 174-192 Liverpool Street, for the following reasons:
* It is clearly too high: 52.5 metres. The Leigh Wooley absolute maximum is 45 metres.
* It does not respect the streetscape and townscape in this historic part of Hobart.
* It is not compatible with existing buildings in the area. Issues are with height and bulk.
* It would be unreasonably dominant on the landscape, and would detract from the heritage significance of buildings along Liverpool Street.
* A 6 metre setback for this highrise tower is not sufficient.
* It does not respect the human scale of current buildings in the area.
* It would set a precedent allowing highrise towers in central Hobart.
My additional comments:
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